Paul Noble

About me

Hi, I'm Paul.

I'm fromFun fact:
Yorktownis where the last major battle of the American revolution took place.
Yorktown, VA
and currently live in New York City with my wife and my dog. I am afullstack software engineeratAvenue, an operations obserability startup.

In my free time, I enjoy reading,I'll be adding a blog here soon. In the meantime you can checkoutmy common place journalwhere I add notes on things I'm learning, quotes I like, links I want to save, and pieces of prose or poetry I am working on. It's a tool I use to help me remember and categorize information I want to retain. I thought it would be fun to share it with whomever comes across my site.writing, and programming new things. Programming language design has become a hobbyist interest of mine, and I'm always trying out new languages in small experiments and side projects. My favorites at the moment are Rust and Elixir.


Software Engineer

2022 - Present

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022

Engineering Intern - Various

Summer 2017 - Summer 2019

Want a pdf resume with more details? Just want to say hello?
You can email me, send me a message onLinkedInor dm me on twitter@rauthgranir.